New Photo: Cracked Flow

Iceland has tons of waterfalls – some larger, some smaller. Some of them are very touristic, and the ones that weren’t up until now seem to get there more and more – but this particular one isn’t! Over time, you will see a shot similar to this more and more – but I just love how the stones in the foreground create that natural frame for the waterfall!

New Photo: The King

Iceland has as many waterfalls as sheep on the road (meaning loads) – but most of them are rather small or somewhat thin. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t make them any less beautiful, but when you get to a really big one, it’s a welcome change.
I don’t remember the name of this one, mostly because Icelandic names are impossible to pronounce, but it’s a very touristic place so if you ever go, you can’t miss it.

New Photo: Foggy View

Have you ever gone on holiday, just to be really unlucky with the weather? So did I – sadly that happened in Iceland, where any good light can make for awesome sceneries. Well, I didn’t get the awesome light but moody foggy conditions basically straight for 5 days.
There are two options – you cry a little (which I also did) or you use the light you have and make the best out of it. This is one of the results of that endeavor.