Sri Lanka has several kinds of monkeys. However, if you have ever been to Bali, you know what I mean by monkeys ‘being annoying’, right? Well – In Sri Lanka, Langurs like this one and 99% of all the monkeys I have seen do not try to steal things from humans. They mind their own business but have no fear of humans either.
New Photo: Stacked Sales
The markets in Kandy, Sri Lanka, are tight and full of wares. This is a typical shop on such a market – filled to the roof with bags of spices, corn, and things I couldnt possibly describe.
New Photo: Happy Feet
Polonnaruwa is an ancient town in Sri Lanka that houses the cutest things – baby monkeys! Just look at the little guy in the arms of his parent!
New Photo: Fruit Digger
This is how fruit merchants roll in Sri Lanka – huge piles or bags of fruit, which they happily let you try if you want to!