New Photo: Streets of Venice One of the small streets that can be found in Venice, Italy. I love all those tiny streets that you can find around every corner so much! They have a charm that is difficult to put in words – once you are there, you will understand what I am saying …
New Photo: Barcelona’s Ritz Carlton
New Photo: Barcelona’s Ritz Carlton I went to Barcelona recently for an amazing photo walk – and had the luck to be attending an afterparty on the top floor of the Ritz Carlton. What an amazing view across the whole city! I spent several hours on that balcony (yes I know, but I loved it) …
New Photo: The Busy Dark Hedges
New Photo: The Busy Dark Hedges Ireland has many places that are worth seeing – unfortunately I am not the only one that wishes to see them. This area here is called the dark hedges and has starred in series such as Game of Thrones, but it is so busy that it is virtually impossible …
New Photo: Teenage Mutant…
New Photo: Teenage Mutant… When I was very young, around 10 or so, my parents took me to the polish border to visit one of the crazy large markets they have there. I found a basket with turtles (yes, I mean an actual basked with dozens of them squeezed in there) and begged my parents …
New Photo: Irelands Coast
New Photo: Irelands Coast The other day, I posted an image from the Irish coast – and I will do so again and again! There is not much to say, the landscape speaks for itself, hehe. The only problem I have is still the height – none of the coastlines in Ireland are prepared with …