This is one of my favorite sunset images from Sardinia. The sun was gone, the light slowly faded away – which created these beautiful silhouettes around the rocks and mountains in the background.
New Photo: Mighty Cover
Sardinia is simply beautiful. I did not expect the variety of landscapes that would present itself within the one week that I was there – but beaches, mountains, volcanoes, forests, fog forests, it simply has it all!
New Photo: Independence Day
Weird name for a photo from a Sardinian Sunset – but do you remember the movie poster from ‘Independence Day’ from the 90s? …
New Photo: Beachy Sunset
I didn’t know how much Sardinia has to offer in terms of photography! But with all those different kinds of beaches and considering the island isn’t huge, you can get a variety of motives for your sunrise and sunset shots.
New Photo: Natural Lines
This is me standing in water trying to find some sort of natural leading lines that point towards the sunrise in Sardinia. I was unstable, the camera was unstable, and my shoes were unstable (as in nearly fell off my feet) but I cannot portray in words how happy I am with the result – natural leading lines to the horizon!