Here is a little monkey from Costa Rica – may we all enjoy our meals like this fella enjoyed his!
New Photo: It Is Not What It Seems
This monkey (and many other animals) was raised in captivity in Costa Rica. Many of them were abused by gangs – for example, being drugged and used for fights. Its sad – read the full story over on the blog!
New Photo: The Blue In The Green
Costa Rica at its finest – the water was actually this blue! To get to this little lagoon, you had to simply walk down 500 steps. That’s fine – what is not fine is the way back up, at least not with 90% humidity and 35 degrees Celcius! One couldn’t even go for a swim to cool down…
New Photo: The Photobomb
Hummingbirds are fast and loud – and they stand still for maybe 2 seconds before vanishing into thin air again. In this case, I got lucky – but can you find the other animal that jumped into the frame?
New Photo: Forbidden Land
Many of the tourist beaches in Costa Rica had a perimeter. If you get close to the edge, there would be about a billion signs saying that you should not continue unless you want to meet crocodiles. Fair enough – but where I can’t go, my drone can!