There is a famous town in Egypt – of which I sadly forgot the name – that operates traffic mainly with horses. This is surely a tourist attraction tactic, but either way, they are famous for it. The drivers of the carriages usually shout at each other a lot as well which is just part …
Rules Of Composition Every Photographer Should Know
Hello friendos! Today, we’re going to be talking about the most important rules of composition in photography. Composition is one of the key elements of photography, and it’s what sets great photos apart from average ones. So, what exactly is composition in photography? Composition refers to the way you arrange the elements in an image …
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How To Take Sharper Photos With Your Camera
Hi all! Today, we’re going to talk about how to take sharper photos with your camera – something everyone struggles with at some point! Sharpness is one of the most important elements of a great photo, and it can make or break your image. So, if you want to take your photography to the next …
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Why You Should Shoot In RAW Format
If you’re just starting out in photography, you might be wondering why so many experienced photographers recommend shooting in raw image format. Well, let me tell you, shooting in raw has a lot of benefits that can greatly improve the quality of your photos. #1 More Control: When you shoot in raw format, you’re capturing …
10 Tips On What To Look Out For When Buying A Tripod
Hi photo-lovers, today I want to talk about a topic that might not be as exciting as my usual videos and posts but I’ve been asked recently about a topic we all deal with at some point – tripods. That’s right, I’m talking about those three-legged beasts that every photographer needs, but no one wants …
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