This is big! And when I say big, I mean it. In fact, I needed several hours to create this image and there was no way to write that down with screenshots. So, here we are on youtube for 40 min for a change – which is even better! See exactly what I do and …
4 Easy Steps to add a Glow to your Images
Sometimes an image can seem a little boring – I often think that a little glow can help a lot! Se here are my 4 super easy steps to get such a glow in Photoshop. 1. Duplicate the layerFirst, get you image into Photoshop and duplicate the layer twice. You can use CMD/STRG+J to duplicate …
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I found this neat little lake at the side of a road just half an hour south from Dublin, Ireland. It was raining all day and actually just stopped a couple of minutes when I took the image. Lucky me, hehe. Here is the final image: See more great HDR images at my portfolio! And …
Dada – An awesome Moroccan Experience in Dublin
I like eating – who doesn’t! There is a little treasure hidden in Dublin, called Dada. Its a Moroccan Restaurant offering amazing food in an amazing ambience! They serve something called Chicken Kebab, which has nothing to do with a traditional Kebab. It is chicken made in some sort of marinade, tasting just ridiculous! In …
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6 Reasons why I don’t Watermark my Images
Sometimes people urge me to watermark my images. I must protect them from unauthorised use! They will steal it! Its recognition! Nah. I will not do so and I tell you why. For those who watermark and are happy with it, I am happy for you! For those who are undecided, read ahead. 1. Its …
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