Fast Photoshop Sky Change | Photoshop Quick Tip

If you want to learn how to change skies easily and fast in Photoshop, then the sky replacement tool is what you need! To change a sky in Photoshop, you just need to:

1. Select the layer that has the boring sky
2. Head to the sky replacement feature (Edit – Sky Replacement)
3. Select the sky you like, adapt the sky and foreground, and hit Ok.

You may, at least down the line, get more skies to use. Either do what I say in the video and get the free packs or use – they have tons of images that require no license or anything!

This is a beginner tutorial that shows the basic functions of the sky replacement feature in Photoshop. I will create another more advanced tutorial that shows how to work on the output and adapt the foreground more strongly. Stay tuned! How do you like Photoshops sky replacement tool? Let me know in the comments!

BTW the photo still reminds me of a whale, hehe.