New Photo: The Streets of Sorrento

New Photo: The Streets of Sorrento

Sorrento is a beautiful little city along the Amalfi coast – which is the target for thousands and thousands of tourists every year. The city is not as “pretty” as many other small villages that you can visit along the coast (though it has its charm), but it is a great point to reach the rest of the peninsula from.
One day I decided to simply explore the city – no plan, no map, just go. The place is surrounded by a mountain landscape, so I ventured first through the city and then into the mountains, surrounded the city and entered again on the other side.
This picture here was taken very close to one of the many beach areas that Sorrento has to offer. You may know my images from Venice – I love these little streets that seem endless but offer rewards for those that are willing to follow it.

The Streets of Sorrento
